On May 15, three Estonian NGOs – the Estonian Fund for Nature, the Estonian Green Movement and the Estonian Environmental Law Center – organised a webinar about the just transition process in Upper Nitra, Slovakia, meant to detail this example of bottom-up transition management for Estonian interested audiences.
The Estonian participants were representatives from local municipalities, trade unions, the oil shale industry, research centers, ministries and environmental groups.
The activity is supported via the European Climate Initative (EUKI) project “Tackling climate change and the Estonian energy policy” and European Union LIFE program project “LIFE UNIFY: Bringing the EU together on climate action”.
The three presentations available in English are those of:
Lenka Ilcikova, Upper Nitra just transition campaigner, working with CEE Banwkatch Network and Priatelia Zeme Slovakia. Watch Lenka’s presentation below.
Alojz Vlcko, representing the Prievidza municipality, one of the main actors thanks to whom there is a bottom-up process in the region. The municipality was from the start the one to encourage the creation of working groups of locals to discuss the future of the region. Watch Alojz’s presentation below:
Ondrej Seban, the PWC consultant hired by the European Commission to help with designing the action plan for the Upper Nitra region. His presentation includes details on how the expert made sure the process of writing up the action plan reflected the conclusions already reached by locals gathering in working groups and was inclusive throughout – check out his model of public consultation in several stages. Watch Ondrej’s presentation below.
The presentations are also available with Russian translation here.
Videos courtesy of SA Eestimaa Looduse Fond in Estonia, first posted on their youtube channel.