A growing number of Parties and non-Party stakeholders are taking action to align fossil fuel production with the Paris Agreement.
On Saturday May 5, on the sidelines of the Bonn UNFCCC meeting, the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), together with Oil Change International (OCI) and Overseas Development Institute (ODI), and with support from the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the Climate Action Network – Canada (CAN Rac), organised a discussion about raising ambition on phasing out fossil fuels and how this links to a just transition.
Panelists discussed whether and how extraction limits, divestment, transition plans, and other developments could increase equity and ambition.
The rationale underlying this discussion is available from the SEI and IISD submissions to the Talanoa Dialogue: “Aligning Fossil Fuel Production with the Paris Agreement” and “Fossil Fuel Phase-Out and a Just Transition”.
Ivetta Gerasimchuk from IISD moderated the event, which brought together a broad range of very interesting speakers:
Georgia Piggot, SEI
Nina Chini, Ministry for an Ecological and Inclusive Transition, France
Stephanie Lee, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, New Zealand
Amjad Abdulla, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Maldives
Moustapha Kamal Gueye, International Labour Organization
Stephen Hammer, World Bank Climate Change Group
Helena Wright, E3G
Annette Lutz, GIZ
You can watch the discussion here: http://bit.ly/FossilFuelEventSB48