Published on April 16, 2018

Trade Unions for Energy Democracy

Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) is a global, multi-sector initiative to advance democratic direction and control of energy in a way that promotes solutions to the climate crisis, energy poverty, the degradation of both land and people, and responds to the attacks on workers’ rights and protections.

Participating in TUED are 62 trade union bodies, including 4 Global Union Federations, 3 regional organizations, and 8 national centers. There are 10 allied organizations from the policy and academic communities.  A complete list of participating unions and movement allies is here.

TUED made significant gains in 2017, both in terms of the network’s growth, and in making concrete advances in the struggle for energy democracy in several important local, national and regional contexts.

The TUED network now includes more than 60 unions and close allies from 22 countries, from both North and South. In 2017, new unions joined from Argentina, Australia, Canada, Europe, Nepal, Norway, Sweden, Uganda, and the United States.

TUED’s research and analysis continues to deepen and sharpen debates over political strategies that can help deliver the urgent transition we need, and achieve real gains for workers and communities as we struggle together for a sustainable future.

TUED and its participating unions helped win significant policy victories in both the UK Trades Union Congress and the US AFL-CIO, and made important additional gains in Europe, Latin America, Australia and the Asia-Pacific region. Regional meetings are being planned in 2018 for both Europe and the Asia-Pacific region, with additional possibilities under discussion.

“Energy democracy” and “just transition” are attracting support from a growing numbers of unions, but also from major environmental organizations and other social forces. TUED continues to advance a forward-looking trade union perspective within this growing movement, in ways that address the need for expanding social ownership and democratic control over energy resources, infrastructure and options. Today, energy democracy is a key component of a broad and inclusive vision of economic democracy and social justice.

All content (text, photo and video) is taken from the website of Trade Unions for Energy Democracy.

Photo ©Laura-May Abron from the website of Trade Unions for Energy Democracy.