Two faces of transition in Poland
October 6, 2020An agreement recently concluded between the Polish government and Silesian mining unions, which promises support for mining until 2049, means both the miners and climate will lose....
Read moreAn agreement recently concluded between the Polish government and Silesian mining unions, which promises support for mining until 2049, means both the miners and climate will lose....
Read moreDohoda mezi polskou vládou a slezskými hornickými odbory, která slibuje, že podpora těžby uhlí potrvá až do roku 2049, znamená prohru jak pro horníky, tak pro klima. Mezitím...
Read moreGiven what we know so far about the disastruous effects of climate change, a political programme calling for the end of coal is hardly radical – rather, it’s...
Read moreKatowice - Poland's championing of Just Transition at the climate conference in Katowice is disingenuous. Back home, this government strongly resists the country's transition away from coal.
Read MoreSpołeczność i władze lokalne zamieszkałego przez 9 tysięcy osób Imielina protestują przeciwko planom Polskiej Grupy Górniczej (PGG) chcącej rozpocząć wydobycie węgla ze złoża Imielin-Północ, które pokrywa się z...
Read moreWszystko wskazuje na to, że sposób, w jaki Polska przeprowadza wstępny wybór projektów na poziomie krajowym w ramach zainicjowanej przez Komisję Europejską Platformy dla regionów węglowych w okresie...
Read morePoland’s national-level pre-selection of projects under the Commission’s Platform for Coal Regions in Transition does not seem to fit into the Partnership Principle architecture. During the initial phase...
Read moreIn Imielin, a 9,000-strong Silesian town, local residents and authorities are protesting plans by Polska Grupa Górnicza (PGG) to start coal extraction in the Imielin-North field, which overlaps...
Read moreIn Upper Silesia, Poland’s main coal region, it is difficult to find anyone who still believes that coal has a future. The region needs help in dealing with...
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